Sunday, April 20, 2014

Tortola English / Espanol

     The island of Tortola is the largest of the the British Virgin Islands, the most populated and the most well known. It is a very mountainous island 19 km long by 5 km wide. The total surface area of the island is 55.7 square km. the total population of Tortola is 23,908 and the largest town is Road Town which is also the capital of the territory. Despite being a British overseas territory, the official currency is the US dollar. The economy is mainly based on tourism and financial services.
        Visitors to the BVI arrive by boat or by plane, and the main airport is Beef Island. The majority of the population is of Afro-Caribbean heritage (83%) descended from former slaves. The official language of the Virgin Islands is english. The climate is tropical with very little variation throughout the year. The driest part of the year is February and March and the wettest is September and November. Tortola is home to many beautiful white sand beaches.

La isla de TORTOLA es la mayor en tamano de las islas virgenes britanicas, la mayor poblada y la mas conocida. Es una isla montanosa 19 km de largo 5 km de ancho la superficie total de la isla es de 55,7 km cuadrados. La poblacion total de tortola es de 23,908 y su ciudad principal es ROAD TOWN que ademas es la capital de las islas virgenes britanicas. Apesar de ser territorio britanico usas el DOLAR americano. La economia esta basada en el turismos y servisios financiales.

Los visitantes llegan por barco o avion su aereopuerto principal es BEEF ISLAND. La mayoria de la poblacion es afrocaribena (83%) decendientes de los esclavos traidos por los britanicos, aqui se habla el ingles aunque hay un dialecto local (criollo de las islas virgenes).
El clima es tropical no varia mucho durante el ano el tiempo mas seco es entre febrero a marzo y el mas lluvioso es entre septiembre a noviembre. Tortola esta rodeada de hermosas playas de arena blanca.